




Statement of Undertaking


To: XX Public Company Limited, Shenzhen Branch. (hereinafter referred to as "XBank")
我公司与贵公司因 翻译 事项合作,签订翻译服务合同(以下简称“主合同”),合同编号:******。为杜绝商业贿赂行为,沟通翻译公司(承诺人)郑重做出如下承诺:
Whereas, by virtue of particular contractual relationship in translations with the company (hereinafter referred to as the "main contract", Ref. No: ******).Hereinafter, to prevent from commercial bribery misconducts, statements are undertaken, by Gotone Translation & Interpretation Co., Ltd (the “Undertaker”) as follows:
I、 不行贿、不受贿
I. No bribes
Among the business process (including but not limited to the negotiation, tendering and biding, contract sign-off and performance, etc.), it is undertaken by the Undertaker and its employee as follows:
a) 决不向某银行的任何工作人员或其亲属、朋友或其他有特定关系的人员直接或间接行贿(包括但不限于赠送现金、物品或以其他任何方式给予对方好处或利益等)。
The Undertaker shall, by no means, directly and/or indirectly pursue to approach any of XBank’s staff and/or relatives, friends or any other third party in any specific bribery (including but not limited to gifts of cash, goods, or advantage or benefits in any other forms).
b) 决不收受、索取来自 某银行的工作人员及其亲属、朋友或其他有特定关系的人员的贿赂(包括但不限于现金、物品或以其他任何方式给予的好处或利益等)。
The Undertaker shall, by no means, directly and/or indirectly pursue to accept from any of XBank’s staff and/or relatives, friends or any other third party in any specific bribery (including but not limited to gifts of cash, goods, or advantage or benefits in any other forms).
II、 如实呈报
II. Notification in Truth
The Undertaker shall, be subject to notification in truth to the Chief Auditor Office of the company in the event that any action of soliciting or attempt of solicit bribes or bribery from any of XBank’s staff and/or relatives, friends or any other third party.
Shall there be in any in violation with the above statements, it is undertaken as follows:
I、 同意某银行解除贵我双方的主合同,由此造成的损失概由我公司完全承担及赔偿,同时我公司承诺向某银行支付人民币10000.00元(大写:壹万元整)违约金;
Without any dissent, XBank shall assume the right to void the main contract, and claim for all the attributing damage and loss. Notwithstanding the foregoing, The Undertaker shall XBank RMB 10,000.00 Yuan (In character: Ten thousand Yuan)as penalty
II、 承担由此产生的全部民事、行政、刑事法律责任。
Be subject to full responsibility for the civil, administrative, and criminal liabilities as governed.
The Statement is regarded as the annex to the main contract, and, without any prejudice, to be as effective as the main contract prevails.
This Agreement is made in Chinese and English version, the English version shall prevail, the Chinese version shall be as a reference.
Undertaker (signature seal):

(Gotone Translation & Interpretation Co., Ltd)
日期Date (yy/mm/dd):



翻译咨询:深圳翻译公司:400-605-0102,0755-83460102,83460499,83461086,83461426, 传真:0755-83461426 北京翻译公司:010-68184450,88275575, 传真:010-88275575 广州翻译公司:020-85584859,85584872 传真:020-34146032, 东莞翻译公司: 0769-22670107, 13509207006 传真:22670107 长沙翻译公司:13549662848 香港翻译公司:00852-68885702

