


来源:沟通翻译公司 更新时间:2013-11-22 09:50


Efforts are to be made to facilitate overseas companies' entry to China and Chinese companies' expansion abroad.

24. 放宽投资准入。推进金融、教育、文化、医疗等服务业领域有序开放,放开育幼养老、建筑设计、会计审计、商贸物流、电子商务等服务业领域外资准入限制,进一步放开一般制造业。加快海关特殊监管区域整合优化。在推进中国上海自由贸易试验区基础上,选择若干具备条件地方发展自由贸易园(港)区。允许企业及个人自担风险到各国各地区自由承揽工程和劳务合作项目,允许创新方式走出去开展绿地投资、并购投资、证券投资、联合投资等。加快同有关国家和地区商签投资协定。

24. Widen investment access. The finance, education, culture and medical sectors will enjoy an orderly opening-up to market access, while nursery, pension, architecture design, accounting and auditing, trade and logistics, and e-commerce investment restrictions will be eased. Further liberalization will be achieved in general manufacturing, and the streamlining of special customs supervisory areas will be accelerated. Based on practices in the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone, a number of qualified areas will be built into FTAs. Enterprises and individuals will be encouraged to invest overseas and undertake contract and labor cooperation projects at their own risk, through greenfield investment, mergers and acquisitions, equities and joint investment. Investment treaty negotiations with other countries and regions will be expedited.

25. 加快自由贸易区建设。坚持世界贸易体制规则,坚持双边、多边、区域次区域开放合作。改革市场准入、海关监管、检验检疫等管理体制。加快环境保护、投资保护、政府采购、电子商务等新议题谈判,形成面向全球的高标准自由贸易区网络。

25. Construction of free-trade zones will be sped up, with adherence to the rules of world trade system and insistence on bilateral, multilateral and regional cooperation. Reforms will be carried out in market access, customs supervision and inspection and quarantine management. Negotiations in emerging issues such as environmental protection, investment protection, government procurement and e-commerce will be accelerated to form a global, high-standard network of free trade zones.

26. 扩大内陆沿边开放。形成内陆产业集群。支持内陆城市增开国际客货运航线,发展多式联运。推动内陆同沿海沿边通关协作,实现口岸管理相关部门信息互换、监管互认、执法互助。允许沿边重点口岸、边境城市、经济合作区在人员往来、加工物流、旅游等方面实行特殊方式和政策。建立开发性金融机构,加快同周边国家和区域基础设施互联互通建设。

26. Inland and border areas will be further opened up. With the formation of industrial clusters, inland cities will be encouraged to open international passenger and cargo air routes, and develop multimodal transportation. An exchange of information, mutual recognition of supervision and assistance in law enforcement will be achieved among coastal border clearance and port management departments. Special methods and policies will be implemented at key borders, and in bordering cities and economic cooperation zones to promote personnel exchanges, logistics and tourism. Financial institutions focusing on development will be established to accelerate infrastructural connections among neighboring countries and regions.


VIII—Political system


Efforts are to be made to uphold and improve the People's Congress system, the CPC-led multi-party cooperative system and political consultative system, the system of autonomous government in ethnic areas, and the system of grassroots-level mass autonomous government.

27. 推动人民代表大会制度与时俱进。提高立法质量,防止地方保护和部门利益法制化。加强人大预算决算审查监督、国有资产监督职能。各级政府重大决策出台前向本级人大报告。

27. Push forward the system of people's congresses to keep up with the times. The quality of legislation should be improved to prevent local protectionism and prevent some departments from legalizing their interests. People's congresses should provide more supervision of the government's financial budget and State-owned assets. Governments at all levels must report to the local people's congresses before adopting important policies.

28. 推进协商民主广泛多层制度化发展。加强中国特色新型智库建设,建立健全决策咨询制度。巩固和发展平等团结互助和谐的社会主义民族关系。各级党委和政府就一些重要决策听取政协意见。

28. Push forward the multi-layer development of the consultative democracy system. Enhance the construction of new types of think tanks with Chinese characteristics. Promote a consultative policy system. Strengthen and develop equal, unified and harmonious ethnic relationships. Governments should seek advice from the local Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference before making important decisions.

29. 发展基层民主。健全基层选举、议事、公开、述职、问责等机制。建立健全居民、村民监督机制。健全以职工代表大会为基本形式的企事业单位民主管理制度。

29. Develop grassroots democracy. Improve the system of grassroots election, discussion, publicity and responsibility. Improve supervision by urban residents and villagers. Improve the democratic management system, such as the workers' representative conferences, in companies and government institutions.





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