


来源:沟通翻译公司 更新时间:2013-11-20 10:00

据美国科技博客All Things D报道,Google向开发者发布了Glass开发工具包,利用Glass开发工具包开发的多款Glass应用,其中包括食谱应用Allthecooks、游戏Spellista、GolfSight、计步应用Strava和翻译应用Wordlens,并展示了一款可直接在你眼前翻译周遭世界的新应用Word Lens。

Imagine you’re traveling in a country whose language you don’t speak. You look up at a sign — say, a caution marker, or a list of directions. Oh, also, you’re wearing Google Glass. You say, “Okay Glass, translate this.” The words on the sign transform into your home language, so when you look through Glass, you can read them.
想象一下你在一个语言不通的国家旅游,看不懂当地路标之类的东西。而有了谷歌眼镜,你则可以发出指令,“Okay Glass,翻译这个。”路标上的单词就会转变成你的本国语言,你在谷歌眼镜上就可以理解它们的意思。

That’s what the new Word Lens app for Google Glass does, and it’s kind of magical. Blobs of translated text appear on the wearer’s screen with perspective intact, the same background color, and a matched font. It looks as though the sign has been reprinted in your own language.
这就是谷歌眼镜的新应用Word Lens提供的服务,颇为神奇。被翻译后的文本会出现在佩戴者的显示屏上,眼镜中的背景不变,文本背景颜色一样,字体风格也保持一致。

This works best with Helvetica and other plain, sans-serif fonts, according to the Word Lens team, whose company is named Quest Visual. Times New Roman is a challenge.
Word Lens had previously been available for iPhone and Android.
据Word Lens团队(公司名为Quest Visual)透露,该应用最适用于海维提卡(Helvetica)和其它的无衬线字体,Times New Roman字体则有点难处理。

The Word Lens Glass app works in real time, and it also accesses local storage. A dictionary of about 10,000 words in each chosen language are stored locally on the device, so users can get their translations even when they travel internationally without a data plan. That’s in contrast to Google’s own Google Goggles app, which requires a Web connection.
谷歌眼镜版Word Lens应用实时运作,也支持访问本地存储。包含每种选中的语言约1万个单词的词典本地存储在设备上,因此用户在国外旅行期间没有开通数据套餐也能够使用Word Lens的翻译功能。而谷歌自己的Google Goggles应用则需要网络连接。

The app was built with the new Glass Developer Kit, which was released as a sneak peek to developers today at a hackathon in San Francisco. Word Lens got early access along with four other apps: Allthecooks (hands-free recipes), Strava (it’s the first time the activity-tracking company has given live progress reports about how well its runners and cyclists are doing, out of concern that using a phone or headphones would be unsafe), Spellista by GLU (the first Glass game) and GolfSight by SkyDroid (it’s for golf).
该应用利用新的谷歌眼镜开发工具包(以下简称“GDK”)开发而成。Word Lens与其它的四款应用率先获得该工具包的访问权。其它的应用包括:Allthecooks(免提菜谱),Strava(该活动追踪公司第一次为跑步者、骑车者等提供实时进展报告),来自GLU 的Spellista(首款谷歌眼镜游戏),以及SkyDroid开发的高尔夫应用GolfSight。

The GDK is supposed to be a major improvement on the original Glass Mirror API, which mostly helped with notifications and sharing. By contrast, the new tools give developers access to hardware (camera, GPS, accelerometer, gyroscope, gestures) as well as offline and real-time capabilities.
谷歌今天在旧金山的黑客松活动中向开发者展示了GDK。GDK较主要围绕提醒和分享功能的原有的Glass Mirror API有显著的改进,能够让开发者访问硬件(摄像头、GPS、加速计、陀螺仪和手势)以及线下和实时功能。

More than 10,000 people have Glass today, a Google spokesman said. That’s not a big audience for an app developer. But developers at the event, including the Word Lens team, said they were appreciative that building for Glass with GDK is almost entirely the same as building for Android. They said they essentially ported over their Android apps and changed the user interface to be much, much simpler.
谷歌发言人表示,目前谷歌眼镜用户量超过1万。这一受众规模对于开发者而言并不算大。但包括Word Lens团队在内的开发者指出,他们很感激用GDK为谷歌眼镜开发应用的流程几乎跟为Android开发一模一样。他们说,其谷歌眼镜应用实质上是从他们的Android应用移植过来,他们大大简化了用户界面。




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